2022-23 WKC Board nomination form now available

CHARLES TOWN, W. Va. – The nomination form for the 2022-2023 Woodbridge Kart Club board of directors is now available. There are five open positions on the WKC board for the upcoming seasons.

Nominations must be completed and postmarked and/or emailed by Dec. 31, 2021. An election ballet will be emailed by Jan. 3, 2022 in anticipation of the election at the next membership meeting in February (date TBA).

Via the club By-Laws, this nomination form is the only way a nomination will be accepted. No floor nominations can be made on the day of the membership meeting.

Click here to view and/or print the nomination form, which includes complete instructions and more information on club’s election process.

The form can also be found on our Forms page and the dropdown menu.