SUMMIT POINT, W. Va. — Pre-registration for the Counter-Clockwise Shenandoah WKC Regional set for April 13-14 will open Monday morning, March 11 via RaceDay. Please use your existing RaceDay account to register and avoid making multiple accounts. If you have questions about your login, reach out to Rodney Smith at A PDF entry for mail-in entries is available on our website or click here.
Click here to view the April Shenandoah event schedule.
April Shenandoah entry fees will be $135 pre class pre-entry and $150 at the track, so please take advantage of pre-entry pricing. Pit passes may also be purchased in advance at $30 per driver and $10 per non-driver regardless of the day you arrive. Children under 7 will be admitted free.
If you wish to enter 4 or more classes, you may take advantage of the discount code BUNDLE50 at checkout on RaceDay to receive a $50 discount on your purchase of 4+ classes and a pit pass. This offer is ONLY available to pre-entered competitors. You may apply this code ONLY if you select 4 classes and a pit pass. If you choose this option, any additional class after the 4th is free, and those additional classes should be entered at the track.
WKC will be hosting the annual Team Race on Saturday afternoon at Shenandoah. Classes will be CIK 206, CIK TaG 125, and CIK TaG 100 AC (KA100). Format will be two drivers and one kart per team at a $100 entry fee per team. Weight structure will be forthcoming.
Click here to review the 2024 AKRA Road Racing Tech Manual, which has recently been posted on our website.