Woodbridge Kart Club
Monthly Board of Directors Meetings
Karen McCollum, Secretary
Date: March 29, 2008
Bill Kassy called the meeting to order at 6 pm at Summit Point Raceway.
There were 9 Board members present.
Board Members
Present Absent
Bill Kassy Jessi James
Phil Reuter
Karen McCollum
Tom Conlon
Arthur McKenny
Dave Brillhart
Bob Lilley
Duane Eberhart
Rodney Smith
Treasurer Treasurer: Rodney Smith
This race weekend was a loss so far on practice. Pre-entries are up from last year. Track rental up $1500 from last year. Insurance costs have not risen.
Awards & trophies Committee Committee Chair: Stacy Smith
No report
Swap Meet
Committee Chair: Dave Brillhart
The swap meet did make a small profit.
Committee Co-chairs: Kate Shrbine, Arthur McKenny, Rodney Smith
Banquet tickets are available from Rodney.
A club member questioned why the Board moved forward with having a banquet when the club is hurting financially. It was explained that Rodney and the others reduced the cost of the banquet dramatically and the Board felt it was necessary to recognize the racers and sponsors.
Membership Committee Committee Chair: Jeff Troup
No report
Publicity & Advertising
Committee Chair: Phil Reuter
No Report
Safety Committee Chair: Tom Conlon
Full width bumper rule – THe committee is still working on the specs. Certain sprint karts will exceed the maximum so will be given exemptions to the rules; this is centered on the Briggs classes. A minimum will be defined.
Sponsorship Committee Chair: Arthur McKenny
WKC has 36 sponsors to date. Arthur gave thanks to all for contributing and supporting the club.
Racing Committee Chair: Bill Kassy
Class Coordinators were established for the season. Clark Gaynor is having a Stock Honda meeting in the back of the tent following the club meeting.
Set-Up Committee
Committee Chair: Rodney Smith
No report
Track Relations
Track Liason: Arthur McKenny
The contracts with SPR were signed with Maria yesterday. Arthur is waiting for final inspection fo the NJMP for taking insurance photos.
NJMP entry fees will be determined after the Board and Treasurer have more data on final costs for putting on this event.
Old Business
New Jersey Motorsports Park
The Board toured the track. Fast track with plenty of run off and easy to get to. Major hotels are offered nearby. The Board is working with other groups including USSK. The Board is still working with the track on final numbers for entry, camping, etc.
Bernie Adamson
A club member opened discussion on the Bernie Adamson situation.
Bill Kassy explained that as a spectator and former president, Mr. Adamson’s actions not only affected the racers on the track, but the Club’s insurance. Mr. Adamson was contacted by three Board members on numerous occasions during the process and three times refused to comply. Therefore, the Board is holding to the decision and moving on to other club business.
The club members were invited to remain and discuss the matter individually.
Meeting was called to adjourn by Bill Kassy, second by Tom Conlon. Meeting was adjourned at 6:45pm.