Woodbridge Kart Club
2011 Board of Directors All-Day Meeting
4 December 2010, Chantilly, Va
Members present:
Clark Gaynor Sr (via phone)
Dick Cloney (via phone)
Rodney Smith
Greg Heberle
Dave Brillhart
Phil Reuter
Scott Sanders
Scott Sigafoos Sr
Bob Burkett
Jeff Troup
➤ The meeting was called to order by President Rodney Smith at 8:30 am with 7 members present, 2 members via teleconference, and one attending with approval to be 30 to 45 minutes late.
➤ The agenda was distributed and items were briefly discussed.
➤ The 2011 Racing Schedule was approved 9-0 (Sanders no vote)
- Mar 26-27 NJMP Thunderbolt
- Apr 16-17 SPR Shenandoah
- Jun 25-26 SPR Main
- Jul 29-31 VIR Grand National
- Sep 23-25 NJMP Lightning
- Oct 15-16 SPR Shenandoah
➤ Banquet Committee – Phil was assigned to look into the banquet facility for 2011. Scott Sigafoos volunteered to be on the banquet committee with Phil.
➤ Insurance – BoD Liability Insurance – Rodney and Dick Cloney recommend to increase our liability insurance to 3-5 million through Michael Davis and drop our current policy which is 1 million. The cost would be $2000/year.
Motion – Rodney made a motion that 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places receive awards depending on class participation. Seconded by Phil. Passed – 10 ayes, 0 nahs
Discussion on what to give for 2010 Awards.
Decided on using unclaimed cup trophies from previous races for 1st place and something smaller for 2nd and 3rd places. A blue fleece pull-over would also be give to 1st place and gift certificates from KCP, Mogan and Jeff Troup.
➤ 2011 Class Structure – All current race WKC race classes were reviewed and discussed. Attached is each classes 2011 status. Classes are placed in one of three categories; Championship, Club, recognized or dropped from schedule. All classes were determined by class participation.
Motion – Motion made by Greg Heberle to accept changes of new race structure. Seconded by Phil Reuter. Passed – 10 ayes, 0 nahs
Discussion was then turned to WKA Regional Race Club Schedule. It was stated that participation in regional rankings within the club was down. To incorporate this within our club structure increases insurance. It also comes with a cost of $200 per race.
Motion – Jeff Troup made a motion to remain on the Regional Race Schedule Club. Seconded by Bob Burkett. Passed – 8 ayes, 0 nahs and 2 abstains.
➤ Rodney announced that there may be a test day at Shenandoah to race in reverse. This issue was tabled. Discussion from Phil, S.Sigafoos and Bob Burkett on previous attempts at running SPR Shenandoah in reverse.
➤ 2011 Point Structure – Rodney proposed to review the current point structure. This would change the current WKC one point per place structure and make it in-line with the WKA point structure. A suggested point structure would possibly be:
example: Win – 200 + number of entries, 2nd – 175 + number of entries, 3rd – 170 + number of entries, 4th – 165 + number of entries, 5th – 160 + number of entries, …
A rain modification would be 210 points. An added bonus of 25 points for all six races. Possible points for the fastest lap.
Motion – Motion by Rodney for Greg to revise the current points structure andpresent at the February 12th meeting to the members. Seconded by Phil. Passed – 10 ayes, 0 nahs.
➤ 2011 Sponsorship committee – Clark Gaynor, Sr has been doing this and requests to be replaced. Discussion and floor open for volunteers. Clark, Sr volunteered to continue with this committee. Discussion on current fees. Fees are $400 per year with no tickets to the banquet. Discussion on dropping the fees or keeping them at $400.
Motion – Motion to keep the current sponsorship fees at $400 and no tickets to the banquet. Seconded by S.Sigafoos. Passed – 10 ayes, 0 nahs
➤ 2011 Membership Application – Currently WKC membership is $50. There is not a price difference between members and non-members race fees. Discussion on a price break for members. Rodney suggested $40 – $45 membership fees.
Motion – Motion made by Rodney to decrease membership application fees to $40 for 2011 race season. Seconded by Clark, Sr. Passed – 10 ayes, 0 nahs.
➤ Race entry – Discussion on race entry fees for non-national and national venues.
Motion – Motion made by Rodney to charge WKA national race venues the maximum allowed by WKA and that non-national WKC race venues will remain the same as last year for members per race. Seconded by Dick. Passed – 10 ayes, 0 nahs
Motion – Motion by Rodney to increase prices by $10 for non-members per race. Seconded by S.Sigafoos. Passed – 10 ayes, 0 nahs.
Rodney noted that he had been in contact with John Heckman with the formula cars about sharing some race dates. Although nothing is confirmed, Rodney felt that a positive commitment was forthcoming.
Greg brought up a discussion to either stop giving a discount for 20 minute races or charge 45 minute races an additional amount using the 30 minute race fees as a baseline for per minute track time cost. It was decided that the 20 minute races would pay the same amount as all other races. Based on this new increase Phil and Dave requested to have Vintage races run for 30 minutes instead of 20. (last edited by Greg)
Motion – Motion made by Rodney to raise the length of 20 minute races to 30 minute races and ask the membership on February 12th for their input. Seconded by Bob. Passed – 10 ayes, 0 nahs.
➤ Cadet Classes – Rodney would like to talk to the membership in February about the cadet classes. He would like to talk to the cadet parents first and then to the membership. Cadet entries averaged 3.7 to 4 per weekend with 5 of the 12 races having 2 or 3 entries. Discussed having the cadets, during national venues, one practice in the afternoon on Friday and one 20 minute race Friday evening. There would be no cadet racing on Saturday or Sunday at national venues.
Motion – Motion made by Rodney to have the cadets run on the 1st racing day of the weekend with one practice and one 20 minute race. If increase in participation, sustained entries of 6 per weekend, policy will be relooked at for a 2nd race day option. Seconded by Phil. Passed – 10 ayes, 0 nahs.
Action item – Rodney will get with Bill Kassy to set up a date.
Motion – Motion made by Rodney that all positions, excluding Race Director and Assistant Race Director remain the same rate of pay. Seconded by Phil. Passed – 10 ayes, 0 nahs.
Motion – Motion made by Rodney that corner workers be increased from $85 to $100. Seconded by S.Sigafoos. Passed – 10 ayes, 0 nahs
Motion – Motion made by Rodney that the 7 key positions receive per diem for accommodations at $100 with receipts and $75 flat travel rate. Seconded by Dick. Passed – 8 ayes, 2 nahs.
Discussion about Current paid positions and also being on the Board of Directors. Rodney has researched this and stated that BoD in current known paid positions may remain. However, they are not allowed in newly created positions.
Motion – Motion made by Rodney that current BoD in paid positions are allowed to continue, ie tech and towing, but cannot be paid for any newly created positions. 8 ayes, 0 nahs, 2 abstains (Bob & S.Sanders).
➤ Set-up Crew – Rodney is looking for volunteers. This will remain an open item.
➤ Race Trailer Coordinator – Phil Reuter will be the RTC.
➤ License Director – Scott Sigafoos will remain the License Director. Jeff Troup will assist. Scott and Jeff will approve licenses for WKC. They will email Scott Dixon with date and update of the license. If a decision is required, they will contact the BoD, the BoD will make the decision and S.Sigfoos will the contact the member with the BoD decision.
➤ Sprint Racing – Does WKC want to get involved. Discussion on sharing the Shenandoah Track with a WKA sprint race organization. This would divide part of the track with sprinters in June per WKA. Jens Scott, SPR/BSR, is not interested in overseeing this. Greg and Jeff will investigate further and report back. Open.
➤ 2011 Handbook – Rodney is going to talk with Dave Steinberg to coordinate. He has done this the past few years. Greg will oversee. Rodney would like to see the handbook reduced in the amount of pages it prints. Suggestion to reference WKA for WKA class specifications. We would only print WKC class specifications. Rodney asked the BoD to review the handbook and present changes and deletions prior to the end of December 31.
➤ Double points race – Rodney made the suggestion of having the June race venue a double points race. This would be if the Bill Scott Formula Car Series is not with us. This would generate more revenue and would be geared to enduro. This is mainly due to having 2 venues on the Shenandoah Track. This would include 2 races on Saturday and 2 races on Sunday. Open Item.
➤ 2011 By-Law changes – See attached for By-Law Changes. Most of these recommended changes are to bring the club up-to-date with current times and technologies.
Motion – Dick made a motion for the Board to recommend By-Law changes to the membership. Seconded by Bob. Passed – 10 ayes, 0 nahs.
➤ Rodney would like to have monthly BoD meetings. This will be the 1st Wednesday of the month. The first will be January 5th @ 7p.m.
➤ Rodney would like to conduct BoD meetings during the week of and after each race.
➤ Jeff discussed the pros and cons of e-mailing membership applications. He needs to get with Scott Dixon about pre-printing the application. Discussion was entertained by Rodney on the pros and cons. After discussion, it was decided that the applications would continue to the mailed via USPS to members.
➤ Bob discussed the helmet updates for this year. He would also like to see coordination begin for the 2012 VIR and SPR race season.
➤ Motion to adjourn by Rodney at 2:06 pm. Seconded by Greg. Passed – 10 ayes, 0 nahs.
President, Woodbridge Kart Club