Minutes from WKC BOD Conference Call held on 11 March 2009
President McCollum called the meeting to order at 7:35pm. All board members were on-line
as well as Brandon Taylor and Don Warren.

Thursday Set-up – Clark believed we were good on sponsor parking and that we had
adequate help on set-up on Thursday night. Clark said he would rope off an area for the
cars. They will have BSR wrist bands and will be on the SPR insurance.

Friday Practice Procedure – At this time it appears that we will alternate 40 minute rounds
of practice with the BSRFCS participants. Jens does not believe he will have much
attendance, and we have 33 pre-registered for practice.

Don Warren and Rodney Smith met with Jens to discuss several issues and as of the
conference call we still did not have a contract in hand, nor a rate, nor an insurance rider
for their BSRFCS participants.

Tom Conlon and Karen McCollum discussed the labor situation and we should have enough
corner workers, but may be tight on registration and gate personnel.
Trophies have been received (both for the banquet and for the race).

Banquet will begin serving at 6pm and we should have enough heat this time.

It was decided that after this race, the BOD will review the P/L and decide whether to
continue with the split dates or have the last race of the year at the Shenandoah circuit.
It was also agreed that spectator passes from noon on Saturday and all day Sunday shall be
$6 starting with the 2nd race week-end.

Actions still outstanding prior to the race are:
Get an insurance indemnity clause, and a contract.


Bill Kassy

WKC Secretary