New WKC Official Website Now Live

WKC officials are excited to announce the launch of a new official website at!

Designed and built by Keith Shampine of New Concept Media Ltd, the new WKC site brings a more contemporary and fresh design to our club’s online presence. We will continue with the Race Day online registration platform, which is linked on the main menu of the new site.

Included in the new website are the new 2020 WKC Driver’s Handbook, latest news, schedule, rules, a how-to section, updated forms, sponsors and contact information for all WKC officials.

An added bonus to the new website is photo albums from three 2019 events – April Shenandoah, August Summit Main and September Pittsburgh.  Many thanks and appreciation to Annaliese Ott and Bruce C. Walls of Action Sports Photography for providing these high-quality photos, free of charge.  We will continue to add to the photo albums once 2020 events are in the books.

Members with a long history with WKC will love the new points archive page, which includes WKC point standings from 1990 through 2004. These files will help to preserve the history of the many great drivers that have spent time racing with WKC over the years.  The points are scanned from Ed Shampine’s WKC Newsletter files, and we’ll be reaching out to members in the very near future to ask for help in adding to these archives. Thanks to Ed for providing these.

Keith Shampine will continue to maintain and update the site for the foreseeable future.

Keith has asked that any active WKC member wishing to provide feedback on the site is encouraged to email him at