Woodbridge Kart Club Membership and Elections Meeting Update

The Woodbridge Kart Club Board of Directors wanted to make you aware of some changes regarding the upcoming general membership and elections meeting. As you are aware, the online ballot is currently available online and all ballots must be received by the end of the day on Friday, February 12, 2021. All mail-in ballots must be received via surface mail that Friday in or order to be considered.

Due to on-going travel restrictions and gathering limitations, the BoD has decided to host this year’s general membership meeting via Zoom. A link will be sent to the club membership via email the night before and you may join the meeting following the link from your computer or via dial in on your phone on Saturday morning.

The general membership meeting will begin at 10am on Saturday, February 13th and is open for member only. Election results will be tabulated and the new members of the Board of Directors will meet and elect 2021 officers prior to the general membership meeting.

As we get closer to the start of the 2021 season, the BoD has created a class structure list that you should take a look at in order to find the class that best suits you. In the list, the left column represents classes offered by AKRA (and will be offered at the AKRA National events). Those that are bold and italicized are what the WKC plans to offer at our April event at Shenandoah.

Those classes are the most closely aligned with our previous class structure. Please note that there may be minor differences in weights and we encourage you to take a look at the AKRA rulebook which is linked on our website for further information regarding class specifics.

Click here to view the 2021 WKC class structure.

All links with the information here can be found on our webpage! If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to the Board at bod@woodbridgekartclub.com. We look forward to “seeing you” Saturday the 13th.